These Standard Terms of use (the Terms) together with any additional Terms, policies, or Purchase orders (the Agreement) contain the Terms and Conditions upon which MYDEARBELOVED.COM and its affiliates (“we”, and “us” and “our) provide services to you the customer or user ( “Customer”, “you,” “your,” and “User”) and govern your use of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s website and or platform (website and platform mean the same thing and may be used interchangeably).
“User” means anyone who uses this website even if they do not purchase any of our products.
“Customer” means anyone who uses this website and purchases any of our services or products.
“You,” and “Your” means User and or Customer
In the event of a conflict between these Terms and conditions and any transaction-specific language found in a purchase order, the Purchase Order shall control.
Your MYDEARBELOVED.COM account: You can create a MYDEARBELOVED.COM account for your convenience.
You are responsible for what you do, write, and post on your MYDEARBELOVED.COM account, including taking steps to keep your MYDEARBELOVED.COM account secure, and we encourage you to regularly check your account and the comments of visitors before you approve them (if applicable).
You agree to be responsible for anyone; you allow access to your account or anyone else’s account and for any comments posted by others on your account or anyone else’s account that you allowed access to and or on the website.
Your responsibilities-many of our services allow you to interact with others. We want to maintain a respectful environment for everyone, which means you must follow these basic rules of conduct:
- Comply with any City, Town, Municipality, State, Federal, and other Laws passed that control the use of websites.
- Respect the Rights of others, including Privacy and Intellectual property rights.
- Don’t abuse or harm others or yourself, or threaten or encourage abuse or harm (for example defaming, defrauding, bullying, misleading, harassing, or stalking others).
- Don’t use offensive or vulgar language
- Don’t post any offensive or vulgar depictions
- Don’t disrupt, interfere, or alter the services of MYDEARBELOVED.COM
- If you find that anyone is not following these rules, please report immediately to the MYDEARBELOVED.COM administration.
You are granted non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable account access to MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s platform solely for your individual and families’ purposes, subject to these Terms.
You may NOT reproduce, re-sell, assign, sub-license any information contained in MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s platform.
You may NOT attempt to reverse, decompose, engineer, or modify MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s platform, defeat, or disable any protection mechanism related to MYDEARBELOVED.COM. You may NOT allow any third party to repair or maintain or perform any of the above-mentioned activities.
Disclaimer: The platform or website MYDEARBELOVED.COM is provided as-is. We do not provide any warranties for the platform, merchandise, or services expressed or implied. We reserve the right to refuse the replacement and or refund for any product we provide.
Your account may be suspended or terminated if you use MYDEARBELOVED.COM, in an unlawful manner or in any way whatsoever that MYDEARBELOVED.COM in its sole discretion, determines is harmful to MYDEARBELOVED.COM or any of its users.
MYDEARBELOVED.COM reserves the right to delete some or all content of your post or comment if it is harming the reputation of MYDEARBELOVED.COM, if it violates any applicable law and/or if you do not provide in a timely manner official documentation to back up your virtual obituary.
We remain the sole owner of all rights, interests, and titles of the platform. You may not display or use MYDEARBELOVED.COM intellectual property without our written consent.
If you submit feedback or comment, we reserve the right to use your feedback or comment for any legal purpose, including incorporating the feedback or comment into our products and services for advertisements or for any other purpose.
By using MYDEARBELOVED.COM website you covenant and agree that you will at all times indemnify, protect, and hold harmless MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives from any and all liability claims, demands, suits, proceedings, actions, causes of actions, expenses, costs, attorney’s fees, Appellate Attorney’s fees, fines, monetary damages of any kind whatsoever and penalties, that are incurred in connection with or arising from or growing out of, in any way whatsoever, your use of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s website, platform and or use of the products sold by MYDEARBELOVED.COM, which use includes your intentional acts of any kind whatsoever, your negligence acts of any kind whatsoever, your gross negligence acts of any kind whatsoever, your omissions of any kind whatsoever, your accidents of any kind whatsoever and from your breach of any of the standard terms of use of this website
Should MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives, be named as a Defendant in any suit brought against you or be named as a Defendant in any suit because of you, as a result of your negligence of any kind whatsoever, omissions of any kind whatsoever, accidents of any kind whatsoever, and any breaches of the standard terms of use of this website, in connection with or arising out of in anyway whatsoever your use of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s website and or products, then you agree that you shall pay to MYDEARBELOVED.COM all of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s costs, expenses, fees, attorney’s fees, Appellate attorney’s fees, expert fees and costs, professional service fees and costs, accountant’s fees and costs, appraiser’s fees and costs and any other kind of fee, cost or expense whatsoever that MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s incurred in such suit, including but not limited to, paying for any monetary judgment of any kind whatsoever, any kind of penalty whatsoever, any kind of punitive damages whatsoever and or fines of any kind whatsoever that MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s is ordered to pay and or where a Judgment has been entered against MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s you agree to satisfy said Judgement the day it is entered.
You agree that MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, and representatives shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever to you or your family for any personal injury or personal damage or personal loss of any kind whatsoever no matter who caused it or how it was caused, that arises in any way whatsoever out of your use of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’S website and or products, even if such personal injury or personal damage or personal loss of any kind whatsoever, is caused by the NEGLIGENCE and or GROSS NEGLIGENCE of MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives.
You agree to hold harmless MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives and to assume the risk for any personal injury or personal damage or personal loss of any kind whatsoever caused to you or your family, no matter who caused it or how it was caused, that arises in any way whatsoever out of your use of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’S website and or products, even if such personal injury or personal damage or personal loss of any kind whatsoever, is caused by the NEGLIGENCE and or GROSS NEGLIGENCE of MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives.
By using MYDEARBELOVED.COM website you covenant and agree that you will at all times indemnify, protect, and hold harmless MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives, from any and all liability, claims, demands, suits, proceedings, actions, causes of actions, expenses, costs, attorney’s fees, Appellate Attorney’s fees, fines, monetary damages of any kind whatsoever and penalties, that are incurred in connection with or arising from or growing out of, in any way whatsoever, any third parties use of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s website, platform and or use of the products sold by MYDEARBELOVED.COM, who you gave access to your account or anyone else’s account, which use includes the third parties’ intentional acts of any kind whatsoever, the third parties’ negligence acts of any kind whatsoever, the third parties’ gross negligence acts of any kind whatsoever, the third parties’ omissions of any kind whatsoever, the third parties’ accidents of any kind whatsoever and from the third parties breach of any of the standard terms of use of this website Should MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives, be named as a Defendant in any suit brought against any third parties’ who you gave access to your account or anyone else’s account or be named as a Defendant in any suit because of those third parties, as a result of the third parties’ negligence of any kind whatsoever, omissions of any kind whatsoever, accidents of any kind whatsoever, and any breaches of the standard terms of use of this website, in connection with or arising out of in anyway whatsoever the third partied’ use of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s website and or products, then you agree that you shall pay to MYDEARBELOVED.COM all of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s costs, expenses, fees, attorney’s fees, Appellate attorney’s fees, expert fees and costs, professional service fees and costs, accountant’s fees and costs, appraiser’s fees and costs and any other kind of fee, cost or expense whatsoever that MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s incurred in such suit, including but not limited to, paying for any monetary judgment of any kind whatsoever, any kind of penalty whatsoever, any kind of punitive damages whatsoever and or fines of any kind whatsoever that MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s is ordered to pay and or where a Judgment has been entered against MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s you agree to satisfy said Judgement the day it is entered.
You agree that MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, and representatives shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever to any third parties who you gave access to your account or anyone else’s account for any personal injury or personal damage or personal loss of any kind whatsoever no matter who caused it or how it was caused, that arises in anyway whatsoever out of the third parties’ use of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’S website and or products, even if such personal injury or personal damage or personal loss of any kind whatsoever, is caused by the NEGLIGENCE and or GROSS NEGLIGENCE of MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives.
You agree to hold harmless MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives and to assume the risk for any personal injury or personal damage or personal loss of any kind whatsoever caused to any third parties who you gave access to your account or anyone else’s account, no matter who caused it or how it was caused, that arises in any way whatsoever out of the third-parties use of MYDEARBELOVED.COM’S website and or products, even if such personal injury or personal damage or personal loss of any kind whatsoever, is caused by the NEGLIGENCE and or GROSS NEGLIGENCE of MYDEARBELOVED.COM and or MYDEARBELOVED.COM’s, Affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, contractors, employees, assigns, representatives.
We may modify these Terms and conditions and post the updated Terms and Conditions. You agree to accept the updates and follow the updated version and any parts of the version that are not updated or remain the same.